
Paul Craig Roberts om krisen i Iran

Paul Craig Roberts, en av få sansade amerikanska konservativa (ej "neokonservativa") debattörer, skriver insiktsfullt om situationen i Iran:

There have been numerous news reports that the US government has implemented a program to destabilize Iran. There have been reports that the US government has financed bombings and assassinations within Iran. The US media treats these reports in a braggadocio manner as illustrations of the American Superpower’s ability to bring dissenting countries to heel, while some foreign media see these reports as evidence of the US government’s inherent immorality.

Pakistan’s former military chief, General Mirza Aslam Beig, said on Pashto Radio on Monday, June 15, that undisputed intelligence proves the US interfered in the Iranian election. “The documents prove that the CIA spent 400 million dollars inside Iran to prop up a colorful but hollow revolution following the election.”

The success of the US government in financing color revolutions in former Soviet Georgia and Ukraine and in other parts of the former Soviet empire have been widely reported and discussed, with the US media treating it as an indication of US omnipotence and natural right and some foreign media as a sign of US interference in the internal affairs of other countries. It is certainly within the realm of possibility that Mir Hossein Mousavi is a bought and paid for operative of the US government.

We know for a fact that the US government has psychological warfare operations that target both Americans and foreigners through the US and foreign media. Many articles have been published on this subject.

Think about the Iranian election from a common sense standpoint. Neither myself nor the vast majority of readers are Iranian experts. But from a common sense standpoint, if your country was under constant threat of attack, even nuclear attack, from two countries with much more powerful military establishments, as is Iran from the US and Israel, would you desert your country’s best defender and elect the preferred candidate of the US and Israel?



Den förtvinade humanioran

Det händer då och då att något faktiskt läsvärt dyker upp på DN:s ökända kultursidor. I det här fallet rört det sig kanske inte direkt om något nytt ämne, men väl så angeläget. Varför befinner sig humanioran i en så dålig sits vid svenska lärosäten? Och passar verkligen de i dagsläget använda utvärderingssystemet för att mäta kvaliten hos den humanistiska forskningen i landet? Artiklarna jag länkat till nedan förser oss med en del möjliga svar, men själv skulle jag nog vilja se en fördjupning kring varför humanioran i Sverige har det besvärligare än i många andra europeiska länder (exempelvis Danmark och Frankrike).

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