
De fyra rättfärdiga på Capitol Hill

Earlier this afternoon, the United States House of Representatives voted 390-5 in favor of H. RES. 34, voicing their support for the Israeli military effort in the Gaza Strip.

The bill, co-sponsored by 11 representatives, demanded that Hamas end its rocket fire against Israel and renounce violence, while expressing “vigorous support and unwavering commitment” to Israel and declaring that its two weeks of attacks on the Gaza Strip were rightful acts of self-defense.

The bill also demanded that all nations condemn Hamas for breaking the “calm” (quotes were in the original draft text) and that the nations also recognize that the thousands of civilian casualties caused by the Israeli attacks were entirely the fault of Hamas. The bill also called on Egypt to tighten its borders to prevent “smuggling” into the Gaza Strip and promised US support to that end.

Four Democrats, Representatives Dennis Kucinich (OH), Maxine Waters (CA), Gwen Moore (WI), and Nick Rahall (WV) and one Republican, Ron Paul (TX)
voted against the resolution. 22 other members voted “present” and 16 others did not vote.

The vote echoed a similar vote in the Senate yesterday, which “allows for the long-term improvement of daily living conditions of the ordinary people of Gaza” while likewise proclaiming attacks against them self-defense.


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